Sales Policy
Dancing Grace Farm reserves the right to retain any kid from any breeding at any time. We will maintain a waiting list for kids from our breedings based on buyer preference and our discretion.
Kids are registered based on conformity to breed standards. Any kids sold from us will be sold with ADGA papers with the exception of wethers and goats sold as pets. We reserve the right for first refusal.
We sometimes sell kids on a bottle. When kids are sold while still on a bottle, the buyer understands that ALL responsibilities of properly caring for their newly acquired kids falls on them. If something happens to the kids in the buyer’s care (or in a transporter's care), Dancing Grace Farm and/or it's proprietors will not be held responsible in any way. The only guarantee given for kids being sold on bottles is that they are accustomed to taking a bottle and are free from disqualifying faults when they leave our care.
**We cannot guarantee the height of your animal**
Animal Health & Biosecurity
Our herd is a clean herd that is negative for CL, CAE and Johnes. We assure that any kid/adult goat sold to you is healthy. If the buyer wishes, they may pay for a vet examination at the time of purchase. If the animal is found to have any health concerns, the buyer will receive a full refund. After the animal has left our property, we are not responsible for the care or health of the animal, that is now the buyer's responsibility. Since we cannot control the goat's environment once they leave our farm, or control the environment which they grow in after leaving our farm, we cannot offer further guarantees. Stress is very common in both kids and adults of all ages when moved from one place to another. Illness and in rare cases death can occur if the animal is not properly handled or treated. We will not be responsible for death, stress or illness of any kind after the animal leaves our farm. The buyer/shipper will sign paperwork before leaving the premises that the animal is in good health before leaving. Payment is also an implied consent to this policy.
Herd Animals
Goats are herd animals and must remain as such. If you are purchasing a single goat, you must provide information that you have at least one other goat at home. If not, please expect to purchase two kids from us.
Waiting List:
In order to reserve a goat, we require half the purchase price (non-refundable) after the birth of the kid (or the commitment to purchase the adult). We offer PayPal as a safe form of payment. If this is not received within one day of the birth of the kids, you will move to the back of the list. If, at the end of the 8 weeks post birth, you cannot pick up your goat, the goat will move to the next buyer in line and your deposit will not be refunded. If you are delayed in purchasing due to some circumstance, the boarding fee is $10 a day.