Goat Must Haves
The following is a list of items I have found to be useful. You do not need to purchase all items at first, I will place an asterix near items that I believe you should ALWAYS have on hand, the other items can be procured as you go along in your goat journey! This is not meant to be an exhaustive list. I have an extensive amount of herbal and conventional remedies here that are not included in the list, this is meant to provide an overview of items needed for new goat owners!

Goat First Aid Kit:
First Aid/Wound Care
Blood Stop Powder*
3 cc syringes*
5cc syringes*
20 ga needles*
18 ga needles*
Liquid children’s ibuprofen*
Alushield (disbudding)
Colloidal Silver spray*
Silver Honey Wound spray (available in the horse wound section)*
Blue Kote
Cayenne Pepper*
Injectable B Complex*
Chlorophyll (Make sure it does not contain Xylitol)
Puncture wounds- Tetanus ANTI toxin
Pregnant Doe Care
Replamin Gel (dose 1x per month based on weight)
Foot Care
Hoof Trimmers*
SweetLix Meat Maker*
Dewormers-Never deworm without having a fecal done first
Valbazen (NEVER give to pregnant does)*
There are MANY dewormers and effectiveness depends on location and parasite load. ALWAYS get a fecal done first
Pepto BismolÂ
Kaolin Pectin*
Slippery Elm
Apple PectinÂ
Bloat Release*
Baycox (Coccidia medication)
Gatorade/Pedialyte (Mine prefer orange)*
Baking Soda*
Apple Cider Vinegar*
Milk of Magnesia
Probiotics (oral)*
Goats go from 0-60 QUICK. They are prey animals and WILL NOT show they are ill until they are really, really ill. Pneumonia kills quickly. True pneumonia requires vet support if you do not have the medications at home (Nuflor and Draxxin are my go-to pneumonia meds)
***Bovi Sera*** (buy at Valley Vet, keep refrigerated)- This stuff is wonderful as a first step support. I give this and if the goat is not doing better in a few hours, I will bump up to a new level of support (this is if it is caught early. Bovi can be used in conjunction with most prescription medications for pneumonia)
VetRX- Opens up nasal passages
When temps are fluctuating rapidly (think fall and spring- like 60* during the day, 30* at night, or a long cold spell then a quick warm spell and back to cold. Or lots of rainy weather… This is a time to be actively monitoring for pneumonia symptoms)
Kidding Kit (and Post Kidding)
Kelly’s Kid Puller https://www.kellieskidpuller.com/ *
Sterile Lubricant*
Puppy Pads/Chucks
Baby Nasal Aspirator (Bulb style)*
Old Towels*
Frozen colostrum (Freeze in baby bags in small increments)
(or) Powdered colostrum replacement *
Elevated buckets so babies cannot fall in
Goat Kid Bottles (Premier One are my favorites, but TSC has them too)*
*** Premier 1 Prima Heat Lamp *** NEVER use a regular heat lamp*
Molasses (Mix with warm water for a quick energy boost)*
BoSe (prescription, if you cannot get it Selenium/Vitamin E paste at TSC)
Disbudding Iron
Milk Stand
Milk FiltersÂ
Fight Bac Spray *
Simple Pulse Milking System (Not needed if you’re hand milking)
CMT- California Mastits Tests
Diluted Peppermint EO or Peppermint Udder Balm *
CMPK (Milk Fever)
Nice To Have
Milk Stand for milking, hoof trims, yearly blood draws and administering medication
Clippers (I use Andis 2 speed with a 10 blade or T84)
Wound stitch kit/glueÂ
Carabiner hooks- Used for everything!
C&D ANTI-Toxin (must be ANTI)
Tetanus ANTI-Toxin
Ultrasound Machine (Contec on Amazon)
IDEXX Pregnancy Tests
Fecal Float Solution
McMaster Slides
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